Hello to everyone! Sorry that we have not been posting on the website. We have had a couple of serious family health issues over the last many months that has taken quite a bit of our time away from the website. We also started a business a few months ago and that, too, has limited our time in front of the computer. We apologize and we look forward to posting on a regular basis.
Now, onto the good stuff! We’ve Got Time to Help is still running strong. We, and our many volunteers, are still out and about in our neighborhoods and communities trying to help those that we can. This summer has been busy with moving, some yard work, and a few odd jobs. It’s been a little slower than the winter months, but it seems to be picking up again. We can’t thank everyone enough that has helped out those in need these last few months (but we’ll try)!
That being said, we would love to see our volunteers get reenergized! There are still thousands of people, in Portland alone, that could still use a hand up. It’s been a couple of years since the economic meltdown’s height, but there are so many of our friends and neighbors that are still struggling. Let none of us forget (that includes Michelle and I) that we still have so many opportunities to help others. We still have so much power to change the direction of so many lives.
We can do anything, as an involved community, that we want to. We can choose to help as little or as much as we want to. We can choose to return to “The Old Way” of doing things. We can choose to put our blinders on, put our heads down, and push our way through life. Or, we can choose to do things “The New Way”. In this version, we keep our heads up, our eyes open. We don’t walk past those who need help. We don’t turn our heads. We don’t pretend to ignore.
During the apex of the economic turndown we banded together, as a community, like we have never seen before. We were witness to the awe-inspiring power that individuals have when we band together for something other than ourselves. For a short time, we stopped worrying about ourselves and realized that others needed help, too. They had needs greater than our own.
Michelle and I liken it to people that are buried under rubble after an earthquake. You see people, most of them complete strangers, trying with all their might to dig these trapped people out. They group together to pull the heavy concrete and wood pieces off of others. You see the rescuers coordinating and communicating with each other like they had been doing it all their lives. They come together and do whatever it takes to save those around them. Then, you notice the rescuers. They aren’t the fire dept, police, or any other government agency. They are just average people. They are friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. Then you notice that they are injured, too. They are bleeding and dirty and scared. But they aren’t thinking about that. Some of them don’t ever realize that they are hurt. They, collectively, have one purpose. To help those around them that are in greater need.
The last many years has been our earthquake. Not a literal one, but a financial one. But make no mistake; this earthquake has split this land apart. It has torn down lives and uprooted families. It has destroyed dreams and ruined futures. It doesn’t really matter if your house is in pieces because of an earthquake, or if the bank says that you need to move. Either way, you don’t have a home anymore. This has taken a toll on everyone. Some more than others, but everyone has been affected.
We speak for no one but ourselves (Michelle and Seth). But we give you our word, that we will be just as committed today and tomorrow and the next day, as we were a year ago. We will do our very best to coordinate with others to help rescue those still below. We will try with all our strength to pull out those still left under the rubble.
Because just like in a “real” earthquake after time has gone by, there is still a lot left to do, a lot of people that still need help, and a lot of rubble to clear.
Seth and Michelle
Want to join us? Email us at wevegottimetohelp@q.com