Friday, April 3, 2009

The Portland Upside

We had a wonderful conversation today with Rob and Sara, the creators of The Portland Upside. They came over to our home and we had a great talk about their new newspaper. They are a couple who was tired of all the negative news stories from the local and national media. So, instead of sitting by and watching the news, they decided to change it.

Instead of reporting on murder, rape, the economy, etc. etc., they chose to start a new (free) newspaper that reports on the Upside of life in the Portland area. They will be highlighting a lot of local, community based organizations and individuals in their monthly issue.

People or organizations that are choosing to unite communities, instead of divide them, will be discussed. They need all the support that you can give them.

This is truly a wonderful, and long overdue, venture. They are funding this out of their own pocket because they believe in this so much. We have highlighted their website on the left hand side of this blog.

Please check them out and support them any way that you can. They need all sorts of volunteers to help spread the word. They need volunteer writers, web designers, reporters, photographers and editors.

Or maybe, you know a local store or business that would be willing to offer The Portland Upside, free, to their customers; or perhaps a local coffee shop that you frequent would be happy to spread the positive news. No matter what the outlet, we could all use some good new these days.

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