We have had some donations of dog food, cat food, pet toys and miscellaneous pet supplies. We checked all of our regular contacts and no one had a need for these things so we went searching for someone new to help. We know we can donate them to any of the local shelters but we were more looking to donate them to people so they didn't have to take their pets to a shelter due to financial difficulties. We searched Craigslist this morning and hit the jackpot!!
We found ad for a Dog Food Bank. The program is called FIDO-Friends Involved in Dog Outreach. They work in association with Clackamas County Dog Services and offer a wide array of programs and services. On the 3rd Saturday of each month they have a Dog Food Bank. As they put it on their website, it is one way to help dog owners keep their dogs at home. The program is open to pet owners in need and is not restricted just to people who live in Clackamas county. Their main focus is dogs but they do help people with cats as well. Check out FIDO and see what a great service they offer. They also have a program called AniMeals. This program partners with Clackamas County Meals on Wheels and, once notified of pets in need, will deliver cat or dog food to the seniors receiving meals through the Meals on Wheels program. These are just the kind of causes we believe in! People helping People and Pets!!

Clackamas County Shelter is also on-site and welcomes donations of food, toys etc.
Seth and I packed up the all the supplies we had gathered and headed out to Oregon City to make a delivery. It just happened to be the 3rd Saturday of the month so we got to see the dog food bank in action. It was a wonderful sight seeing people doing what they could to not have to turn their animals over to a shelter and other volunteers working for the same goal.

The look on the woman's face at the shelter when she saw the huge bag of toys we had collected almost brought tears to our eyes. Her face just lit up with the biggest grin we have seen in a long time. No dog should go without toys especially if they don't even have a home. She was also appreciative of the dog food, cat food and other supplies. We told her who we were and what we do. If we get any other donations of pet related items we will definitely be taking them out to this wonderful place. They have so many good programs out of this one location.
Please keep these people in mind if you have any items that you no longer need or toys your pet no longer plays with.
Also, if you hear of anyone who is thinking about turning their pet into a shelter because they can't afford to keep them any longer, in these hard economic times, please share
FIDO with them. Since they only have the dog food bank once a month they can get a month's supply of dog food for up to four dogs. Please check out their site!!