Got time to help a family in need?
We just received an email from a wonderful couple whose close friends are going through some very rough times right now. Here is a recap of their email to us:
The woman just recently had a stroke and the husband has some rather severe heart issues and is on disability. They also have a teenage son. The woman would love to be able to come home to her family, but they have no wheelchair access (ramp) at their home and they might need some minor modifications to the inside so that she will be able to maneuver around.
Some or all of the materials can be purchased by the friends, but they can't afford to hire someone right now. This is exactly why we started We've Got Time to Help!
These are good people, they have worked hard all their lives and now they need a little help from us!
They live just about 5 miles outside Battleground Washington, so we were thinking we could pick a day for a group of us to go up there so that some of us could carpool. We would like to get this done as soon as possible so that she can come home! She will be in the hospital for the next month, so we have some time to get a group and plan together.
Please let us know if you will join us on this most worthwhile cause!
Call or email us is you can help! 503-953-6018 or

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