Please come visit our new home at: and our new Facebook Page.

Here we find ourselves, a year and a half after we started this organization. It has been an incredible, and life changing, journey. We have had our ups and downs. We have had our highs and lows. Many things have changed. What hasn’t changed is our commitment and desire to reach out and help those who are in need.
Over the last many years, the news has not been good. Every month we are told about new unemployment numbers. We are told how many homes are in foreclosure. We are told about how many people in America are hurting. We are told how many people are going hungry. About how many people are losing hope, or told that they have no hope at all. It is another Great Depression.
We are also told that the homeless shelters are full. The food banks are empty. People, everywhere, are hurting and there aren’t enough resources to help everyone. There just isn’t enough help to go around. We tend to think otherwise. We think that if we were to band together, as a community, and pool our collective resources, we could literally change the world.
We think we have stumbled upon something so powerful and so awesome, yet it’s almost always overlooked. It’s something that we needed to teach ourselves to do before we could ask anyone else to do it. It’s simple and highly effective and it can change lives forever. Are you ready to hear it? Open your eyes. Take a look around you, your home, your community. Too often, especially when times are so tough or our lives are in upheaval, we tend to put our heads down, put our blinders on and do our best to ride out the coming storm. It’s a normal, human reaction. It’s a survival instinct. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to stop being human or humane to each other just because we are weathering a storm. Even though we are struggling, we can still reach out to those who are in need. No matter how bad times are, we can still offer a little bit of ourselves to save someone else.
Because times are so tough, there are more people than ever that have needs that aren’t being met. The government is stretched too thin and big business doesn’t seem to care. There are so many people out there that just need a little help, a little hope. Maybe you’re one of those people. Here’s a beautiful thing: you still have skills or knowledge that could help another. No matter your situation, there is someone you can reach out to.
Our organization started out being mainly for unemployed people. There were so many “skilled” people out of work that we said “let’s gather up all the unemployed carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. etc. and get them volunteering in their communities”. And so it began. But, as time went on, we started to see that everyone, no matter their background or experience level, had their own set of unique and invaluable skills. We heard from so many people that said “I would love to help, but I don’t have any skills that would be useful” or “I don’t think I have anything to offer”. This just isn’t true. Every, single person in this country has something to offer someone else.
We have had disabled people offer to help with phone work. We have had young people offer strong legs and backs. We have had elderly people offer their homes for meeting spaces. We have had stay-at-home moms and dads offer to drive volunteers to and from projects. No matter you age, skill level, experience, background, education, ethnicity or gender, you have something to offer. Something that will help a neighbor in need. Something that could change someone’s life. Something that could save someone’s life.
This is not just an idea or an assumption. It truly works. We have seen it work time and time again. We have gathered together complete strangers and, standing as one, pooled our resources and changed people’s lives. It’s amazing and wonderful and you can be a part of it. The one thing that they all had in common? Their eyes were open. You, dear reader, sitting there right now have the power and the opportunity to change someone’s life tomorrow. No matter where you live or what your circumstances are, you can find a way to offer someone a little hope. You have the power to say “enough is enough. Tomorrow my eyes will be open and I will keep them open for all the days to come”.
With open eyes, you can see your world around you. With open eyes, you can see that elderly neighbor that could use a hand with the yard work. With open eyes, you can see that person sitting on the bus that needs someone to talk to. With open eyes, you can see that homeless person that could use a blanket or a hot meal. With open eyes, you can change the way you see this world. With open eyes, you can change someone’s life forever. With open eyes, you can change the world.
Go out into your community and lend a hand. Give an hour or two of your time for a cause you believe in. Donate those old clothes in your closet or that extra food in your cupboard to a homeless or women’s shelter. Drive around on a hot day and hand out cold water to pedestrians. Gather your neighbors and start a community garden. Start an organization just like this one or simply offer a smile to a stranger. No act is too grand or too insignificant. There is no such thing as “too small” a kind act. Do what you can. If every person in the country donated 2 hours a month to help someone in need, how much do you think we could accomplish?
That’s a lot of open eyes.
Seth and Michelle
Hello to everyone! Sorry that we have not been posting on the website. We have had a couple of serious family health issues over the last many months that has taken quite a bit of our time away from the website. We also started a business a few months ago and that, too, has limited our time in front of the computer. We apologize and we look forward to posting on a regular basis.
Now, onto the good stuff! We’ve Got Time to Help is still running strong. We, and our many volunteers, are still out and about in our neighborhoods and communities trying to help those that we can. This summer has been busy with moving, some yard work, and a few odd jobs. It’s been a little slower than the winter months, but it seems to be picking up again. We can’t thank everyone enough that has helped out those in need these last few months (but we’ll try)!
That being said, we would love to see our volunteers get reenergized! There are still thousands of people, in Portland alone, that could still use a hand up. It’s been a couple of years since the economic meltdown’s height, but there are so many of our friends and neighbors that are still struggling. Let none of us forget (that includes Michelle and I) that we still have so many opportunities to help others. We still have so much power to change the direction of so many lives.
We can do anything, as an involved community, that we want to. We can choose to help as little or as much as we want to. We can choose to return to “The Old Way” of doing things. We can choose to put our blinders on, put our heads down, and push our way through life. Or, we can choose to do things “The New Way”. In this version, we keep our heads up, our eyes open. We don’t walk past those who need help. We don’t turn our heads. We don’t pretend to ignore.
During the apex of the economic turndown we banded together, as a community, like we have never seen before. We were witness to the awe-inspiring power that individuals have when we band together for something other than ourselves. For a short time, we stopped worrying about ourselves and realized that others needed help, too. They had needs greater than our own.
Michelle and I liken it to people that are buried under rubble after an earthquake. You see people, most of them complete strangers, trying with all their might to dig these trapped people out. They group together to pull the heavy concrete and wood pieces off of others. You see the rescuers coordinating and communicating with each other like they had been doing it all their lives. They come together and do whatever it takes to save those around them. Then, you notice the rescuers. They aren’t the fire dept, police, or any other government agency. They are just average people. They are friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. Then you notice that they are injured, too. They are bleeding and dirty and scared. But they aren’t thinking about that. Some of them don’t ever realize that they are hurt. They, collectively, have one purpose. To help those around them that are in greater need.
The last many years has been our earthquake. Not a literal one, but a financial one. But make no mistake; this earthquake has split this land apart. It has torn down lives and uprooted families. It has destroyed dreams and ruined futures. It doesn’t really matter if your house is in pieces because of an earthquake, or if the bank says that you need to move. Either way, you don’t have a home anymore. This has taken a toll on everyone. Some more than others, but everyone has been affected.
We speak for no one but ourselves (Michelle and Seth). But we give you our word, that we will be just as committed today and tomorrow and the next day, as we were a year ago. We will do our very best to coordinate with others to help rescue those still below. We will try with all our strength to pull out those still left under the rubble.
Because just like in a “real” earthquake after time has gone by, there is still a lot left to do, a lot of people that still need help, and a lot of rubble to clear.
Seth and Michelle
Want to join us? Email us at
This post is as much for Michelle and I (Seth) as it is for everyone out there. We started We’ve Got Time to Help over a year ago as a way to get the unemployed masses together and start addressing immediate community service needs. It quickly grew into something we never could have imagined.
We went from hoping to complete a few projects in a year, to being overwhelmed with the amount of people in need for help that exists in our city. Because of the hard economic times this country is experiencing, normal channels for assistance (i.e. agencies that help with food, clothing, rent, volunteers) have been inundated with people calling for help. The agencies resource pools have been stretched too thin and, sometimes, emptied altogether.
We still continue to get calls for help weekly and we continue to help those that we can. We have a great group of volunteers (though, we always welcome more) and they travel throughout the city helping those that have contacted us for help. We have been fortunate enough to help 100’s of people over the last 16 months and we look forward to helping more this year.
The recurring theme in the messages we receive from people that need help is that of hope. Hope. People call us for hope more than they call us for labor, food, or clothing. People call us because they are at, or near, their wit’s end and they don’t know what to do. They have tried going through various channels for help, only to be told that there is not enough to go around. We want to put an end to “not enough”. We believe we can.
Hope is an amazing thing. People call us with tales of hunger, home loss, job loss, personal loss, and myriad difficulties. But, most still have hope. Hope that things will change. Hope that times will get better. Hope that their situation will get better. Hope that someone still cares. And if someone calls us that seems to have lost their hope, we do our best to give them a little. We tell them that we will do everything in our power to help them. We will not walk away from them. We will stand by them in their darkest hour. If people feel that there is even the slightest glimmer of hope, a little sliver far off in the distance, they can keep going. It’s the ones that have lost all hope, that don’t seem to have the energy to keep pushing on.
So, my friends, let’s get reenergized! Let’s set out, every day, to help someone in need. Friends, neighbors, strangers. It doesn’t matter how small or grand the gesture. It matters not what the circumstances are. It doesn’t matter to whom you lend a hand. What matters is that you are keeping hope alive. You are saying “I will not let anyone around me lose hope”. I will fight the good fight. I will be strong when others cannot be. I will pay it forward. I will stand for all that is good and right and say “not on my watch”.
Join us?
Take care and good luck,
Seth and Michelle
This recently came across our desk and we wanted to share it with everyone. This is such an important cause and we would love to see the word spread about it! Please have a look around and see what wonderful work these guys are doing!
As their website states, "This groundbreaking program enables hospice patients to keep their Pets at home with them throughout their end-of-life journey. It is another way - a significant way - that Banfield Charitable Trust continues its mission to fund or administer programs that find innovative ways to keep Pets and families together."
You can also take a look at their blog, Pet Peace of Mind. They are a wonderful group of people doing some amazing work. Keep it up guys!
Seth and Michelle
As a lot of you know, I (Seth) was laid off 15 months ago and, just like millions of others, haven't been able to find work since. We have struggled financially for over a year now and the situation was becoming more bleak by the day.
So, after much deliberation and planning, we have decided to open our own business. It just seemed like the right time and the right thing to do. I don't know how many of you know, but Michelle and I are bird watchers. We have been feeding and watching birds for many years now. We have also been making our own suet (a type of food for birds) for years. We have spent the last few months perfecting our recipe and finding suppliers, getting licences, setting up a website (NePo Suet Company), etc. etc. We are now set up and selling our suet online and in a couple of stores in Portland. We have received a lot of orders from all over the country and business is picking up every day. We feel very lucky to have this up and running.
The reason for us writing this post it to make sure that people still know we are around. Yes, we are still here. We are still helping people on a regular basis. We just haven't been very good about posting lately. We have had many smaller projects going on over the last couple of months, just nothing on a large scale. There are some projects coming up in the not so distant future that will be on a fairly large scale.
There will soon be a community revitalizing project going on in a NE neighborhood that will need a lot of support and as many neighbors as we can get to help. As soon as we get some more info, we will let everyone know the details. It should be a very fun and worthwhile project!
So, thank you to everyone who continues to help their neighbors. Thank you to everyone who helps to make our community a better place to live. Thank you to everyone that lends a hand to someone that is needs. Thank you to everyone to who continues to spread hope.
Seth and Michelle
On Friday morning, a group of us met at a project site to spread some gravel for a neighbor in need. The side of their home gets to be a muddy and dangerous slope when it rains. One of our volunteers, Meri, suggested that we lay down some gravel to combat the problem. We put the call out for help and you answered!
It took us 2 pickup loads full of gravel but we finished the project in just a couple of hours. We finished so quickly because of the hard work put in by so many volunteers.
A big and heartfelt "Thank you" to Meri, Julie, Mel, Louanne, Inman, David, Daniel and Seth.
Another successful group project completed!
We are having our first meet and greet of the year on Wed., Jan. 27th from 11am - 2pm. If you haven't attended one before please stop by, even if it's for just a short while, and introduce yourself. If you have been before, please stop by again and share your ideas about how we can make a bigger impact in our community this year.
We are open to any ideas people may have on how we can all get more involved, start new community projects, or just be better neighbors.
So, if you Have the Time, please come by and let's make Portland an even better place to live!
Email us at for our address. Thanks so much and we hope to see you all there!
Seth and Michelle
We forgot to post a huge thank you to everyone that donated items for the family in need. A few days before Christmas, Michelle and I took all of the clothes, household items, and food to the family. It was a big surprise for them and a very uplifting experience for us. We had to make multiple trips out to the car because there were so many items!
Thank you to everyone that donated items and goods to them! Margena, Mel, Rachael, Michelle, and quite a few anonymous donors. Thank you to everyone!
Hello to all and here's hoping everyone had a safe and happy holiday!
Well, to say that this has been an interesting year would be quite an understatement. It has been full of ups and downs, but mostly ups. We started this group in the beginning of February and it has far exceeded our wildest dreams. We were able to, with the help of many, many volunteers, lend a hand to over 100 families and individuals! That's incredible! Absolutely amazing.
We originally started this to help all of the unemployed people in Portland. To get them out of the house, away from the job search and helping those in our communities that need a hand. We envisioned being able to help 5 or 10 people out. We never imagined that we would be able to help so many.
There are a few regrets. One of the biggest regrets I (Seth) have, is not being able to help more people out because of my battle with alcoholism and depression. There have been times throughout the year that I haven't fulfilled my obligations to my neighbors because of my struggles. For that, I deeply apologize. The new year holds much more promise and I feel that my struggles are quickly fading into my past.
On to happier items! We have been able to do some real good. Make some really positive impacts on people's lives. It has been an incredible journey and well worth the effort. We have made so many new friends because of this. We have met so many wonderful and giving people over the last 10 months. Because of all of you, our faith and hope in humanity has grown exponentially! Thank you.
Our goal for the new year is not only to continue helping those that we can, but also to bring neighbors and neighborhoods closer together. We would like to start hosting neighborhood get togethers and block parties. We would like to start tool and food exchange. We want to start a knowledge exchange by having monthly classes with things like gardening, canning, and cooking as the topics. We want to do anything that brings people closer together as friends and neighbors. The more we know each other, the better off we will all be.
So, please, help us reach out to even more people this year. Volunteer in your area. Get out and help a neighbor. Organize a neighborhood potluck (it's actually pretty easy). Make a point to get out into your neighborhood and introduce yourself to some neighbors you don't know.
Let's all pledge to make a difference in at least one other person's life this year.
All the best,
Seth and Michelle
Last week, Michelle and Seth went down to the Human Solutions Warming Center to help put up some Christmas decorations. It's been a hard year for a lot of folks out there and we thought that maybe even a few decorations around the center might brighten their day just a little bit.
So, we put out the call to our volunteers for decorations and food for the center and, once again, you came through for us! A big thank you to Laurie, Margena, Trevor, and Carla for their donations. Over the last month, we have been able to bring hundreds of meals to the shelter. Michelle and Seth spent a few hours down at the center putting up a small tree, window clings and hanging lights. It definitely had a more "homey" feel to it after we were done. We only hope that it brings a smile to some of those families down there.
Thanks again to everyone. You are all making our city, and world, a better place to live. And it really makes us proud to call ourselves Oregonians!
Last night, Michelle and I dropped off some food at the Human Solutions Warming Center. We called ahead of time and asked what their greatest need was, and they said microwavable food to go. Cup o soups, soup or chili in the little containers that you can just pop in the microwave. The warming centers are turning so many people away through the winter, but especially now, during this cold snap. They can use these little "meals on the go" for people staying at the warming center or for people that they turn away at the door.
This is such a hard time of year for so many people and now more than ever. There are so many new homeless people and families on the street now because of the economy. They aren't addicted to alcohol or drugs. They aren't career criminals. They are average, everyday people that have fallen on hard times. We wanted to post what we did, not as a congratulatory post, but just to show what can be accomplished with so little. We don't have much, but we have more than a lot of people out there.
Do you realize that you can buy a warm meal for someone for just .28 cents? With the change that is under your couch cushion or in your pocket, you could supply someone with a warm meal (sometimes their only meal of the day).
Michelle and I did some calculations, and for the price of one specialty coffee (which Michelle and I buy for ourselves at least once a week), you could buy 14 hot meals for people that are hungry. That hit us pretty hard when we figured the cost.
Or, if you are really felling generous, you could purchase 150 hot meals for people for around $90. 150?!?!?!? That is a lot of people that you can help and it literally might mean the difference between life and death. It's absolutely incredible what we can do when we put our heart into it.
We, as Oregonians, have thousands of of friends, family, neighbors, and strangers that are struggling just to make it though the day. Wondering where their next meal is coming from or where their children are going to sleep tonight. Wondering if they will survive this bitter cold or if they will succumb to the elements. How horrible must that be?
So, if you have the ability to help this winter, please do so. Please give whatever you can. Food, clothes, toys, holiday decorations, money, hope. Store a bag of clothes or food in your car to hand it out when you see someone in need. These are not nameless, faceless people that you see walking down the street with a shopping cart or standing on a street corner asking for help. These are our neighbors. Our friends. Our family.
Please help in any way you can and have a wonderful holiday season.
Special thanks to Our Own Two Hands for donating money to WGTTH (and making this possible) and to Margena King from King's Embroidery for donating bags and bags of sweatshirts, hats and scarves to help those in need!!
This is kind of a long post, but please take a few minutes to read through it. It is so very important.
Last night, Michelle and I dropped off bags full of gloves, scarves, and hats at the Human Solutions Warming Center in NE Portland. We have become familiar with warming centers in the area ever since last winter's Arctic blast came through in mid-December.
This year there are more homeless people than ever before, at least in our lifetime. They are scared, cold, hungry, and losing hope quickly. Entire families have been displaced because of job loss, mounting bills, and the economy in general. Just a couple of years ago, these same families had "normal" lives. They had hopes and dreams. They had aspirations and plans for the future. Now, they wonder where their next meal is coming from and where they and their children will sleep tonight. It's a truly awful and desperate situation. But, this is an area that we can make a big difference. Here's a link to the impact that Human Solutions was able to make last year.
As we were dropping the items off at the warming center last night, the coordinator for the center, Blanchette, asked if Michelle and I would like a tour. We said we would and she showed us their facility. The top floor of the center, is wall-to-wall cots. They can legally house 60 people there every night. Once the center is full, they have to turn people away at the door, sometimes giving them jackets or blankets for the cold night ahead. The people there ranged from single men and women to 4 or 5 person families, some with very young children. There is a kitchenette area with a small refrigerator, a few cupboards and a microwave. There really isn't a place (or hardware) for people to prepare meals, so there are a lot of cup-o-soups and nutrition bars.
She then led us downstairs where they have a makeshift storage area. Here is where they keep some extra clothes and food to hand out to those in need. Sometimes, in very harsh weather, they will use the basement as an overflow area. People aren't allowed to sleep downstairs (fire code), but at least they can get out of the elements for a short time.
We then spoke to her at length about what the center needs to be the most effective. Keep in mind that the age ranges from newborn to adult. Here is a list of some of the items we talked with her about:
Clothing- Especially socks and hoodies. Backpacks are another much needed item. Of course, any type of clothing will help someone. They just had a local bakery donate 200 coats of all sizes, so there are doing okay for now on jackets. Other than that, anything will help.
Food- Food that doesn't take much (or any) prep is great for them. They mentioned cup-o-soups, energy bars, fruit, etc. etc. Breakfast items that children can eat on the way to school is another big need for them. Here's a link to a wish list that they have.
Christmas decorations- This might not seem like a "need" but we think it might be more needed than a lot of things. They have no holiday decorations at all. They would like to be able to put up lights and other decorations, if for no other reason, to lift every one's spirits for a day or two.
We also spoke about how volunteers can help. Here are just a few of the ways Blanchette mentioned:
1) Someone with the time and supplies to come down to the warming center and help make some old-school Christmas decorations. Paper chains and snow flakes that the children can make and hang around the warming center.
2) Anyone willing to transport people to another shelter. When they have to turn someone away or when a family is moving to another, more long term, shelter, they would love for someone to be able to take them, instead of just giving them the address and making them find their own way there.
3) Perhaps someone could come into the center and read stories to everyone, especially the children. Or maybe just bring some general crafts for everyone to enjoy. Anything to let these people know that they have not been forgotten by society.
4) Any person, or group, willing to bring hot or prepared meals for everyone would be more appreciated than you know. They had a group from a local business office bring in an entire Thanksgiving meal for people staying at the shelter. Soups, stews, chilis or even sandwiches would be a welcomed sight at the center.
5) Something else Blanchette mentioned was perhaps getting stockings for everyone for Christmas and filling them with fruit, candy, gift cards. The families staying at the center don't have any type of storage area, so they have to take everything with them when the leave the shelter every day.
6) Just general, everyday volunteering. Their dream is for someone to show up and say "put me where you need me". Anyone with a little time is more than welcome to stop by the center to lend a hand.
These are just a few of the ways we can help out. If you are at all interested in volunteering at, or donating to the center, please call Blanchette at 503-810-1352. The hours for dropping off donated items is 7pm-10pm ever day, but I'm sure they would accommodate for your schedule.
Again, we think this is a wonderful organization and they are truly making a real impact in our community. Please try to lend a hand to them this year.
Thank you to everyone and we hope to see you all soon!
Hey all! We hope and wish that everyone is having a good start to the Christmas season.
I don't think that we need to remind anyone that this has been a really rough year for a lot of people. The worst year in a lot of people's lives. Many people out there don't even have the basics. Even though I have been unemployed for a year now, we are still very blessed. We have each other, our home, our animals, food, clothes, heat. We have everything we need and more.
Other's are not so fortunate. 1000's of people, in Oregon alone, have lost their jobs and homes. Many feel alone and without hope. All they want for Christmas is to feel safe and warm. To feel that there are people out there who care about them and their families. To feel a little hope. As friends, neighbors, and strangers we can, in this season of giving, tell them in no uncertain terms that YES, we do care. To remind them that we are here for them, as we hope they would be for us. Those of us with an abundance can share with those who are going without. We can remake this world as it should be.
Here are just a few things that Michelle and I are doing to try and help those in need. These suggestions go for anyone that you know or see that needs help. Perhaps a neighbor who lost their job and is struggling, or a family member who needs a little help. That homeless person that you drive by everyday on your way to work. A co-worker that you know has fallen on rough times. They all are deserving and they all could use some compassion. And, if you think that the donation might be embarrassing for the person (especially a neighbor or co-worker), leave a bag of clothes or food on their doorstep or on their desk when they are away. It's so very hard to ask for help, but it is so very appreciated when it comes. Here are a few ideas:
Cleaning out the closets. Grab any socks, hats, gloves, jackets, pants, shirts, etc. that you don't use anymore. Put them in bags in the back of your car. Anytime you see someone on the street that looks cold or wet or under dressed, pull over and offer them some clothes. We promise they will be more thankful than you can imagine.
Clean out your pantry. You know those boxes and cans of food that sit in your cupboard month after month? Pull them out and offer them to someone who needs some food. Again, this could be a friend, relative, neighbor or even a stranger. If you don't know anyone that could use the food or if you are uncomfortable handing it out, please donate your extra food to a food bank. There are tons of them in the area. Here's a link to a list of food donation places in the Portland area.
If you know of someone that is having a really rough year or someone who might spend the holiday alone, invite them to your home for Christmas. Nothing could be more about the spirit of the holidays than sharing your home with someone who doesn't have a place to go. It's a pretty cool feeling!
Maybe you just cleaned out your closets and you don't really have any "extra" food in the pantry. You can always take a few extra dollars (if you have them) and go shopping for food, clothes or toys to donate. To make your dollar really stretch, try shopping at places like the Grocery Outlet or another bargain store. Or maybe stop by a second hand store and pick up some clothes or toys to give away. For people that have nothing, even second hand is a tremendous gift.
Donate new or used dog/cat food and toys to a local pet shelter (or again, to someone you know that might be struggling). We donate a lot of doggy items and food to F.I.D.O (Friends Involved in Dog Outreach). Here's a link to their wish list this year (Click here). Or, another great program to donate to is the Feral Cat Coalition. Of course there are many other great animal shelters that could use some help.
Another great way to help people is, obviously, to volunteer your time. This time of year is a great chance for families to volunteer together. A local food bank or soup kitchen is a great reminder for people (especially children) to truly appreciate everything that they have in their lives. It really makes an impression on you when you see another human being that has absolutely nothing. And of course this year, there are more people than ever in the food bank and soup kitchen lines.
And the last suggestion is just a little one. It's something that we have done over the past few years, and it's effects are quite remarkable. Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up a box or bag of small candy canes (or full size candy canes, if you prefer). Keep them on you at all time throughout the month. Every time you are out and about (i.e. grocery or gift shopping) take a look around you and see who looks like they could use a smile. Walk over to that person, hand them a candy cane and tell them "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" or whatever you wish to say. It really is amazing how many people stop and smile. Okay, at first, they might look at you like you're a little bonkers but then they take the candy cane, smile and walk away a little happier than they were before you walked over to them. It's a blast.
There are so many ways to spread hope. Gifts and toys are wonderful, but if you can actually give someone a little hope, it's worth all the toys in Santa's sleigh.
Here is a listing of a few different opportunities coming up in the next couple of weeks. Please feel free to sign up for one (or all of them!)
Loaves and Fishes is looking for volunteers for two hour shifts to hand out Donate Dinner Cards at local stores. Please check their site at
We also have some opportunities to help the NWPM. Take a look at these:
NWPM Food Pantry needs at least one additional driver with a big vehicle who could get a delivery from the Oregon Food Bank at least twice a month. The best day would be Thursdays, Wednesdays would be second choice. In an ideal world we'd also do an additional pick up on MONDAYS. There is quite a bit of flexibility as to the exact time. We'll also be looking for more helpers to unload the delivery at the pantry, as it is a pretty big job! If you would be willing to give this a try, please contact Kelly or Preston at 503-221-1224.
Do you play the piano? A volunteer has been requested to help provide music at the Rosenbaum Plaza (12th & Washington) Holiday Party on Dec. 15th from 1pm- 3pm. Piano provided!
Looking for festive a festive volunteer opportunity? On Saturday, Dec. 12th NWPM volunteers are needed to wrap gifts at the Holiday Village in NW. More details available upon request.
Ongoing Helping Hands: A fragile woman who lives downtown needs help with household upkeep and friendly visiting a few times a month. She has a small dog.
NWPM has the following ongoing volunteer opportunities:
Individuals needed on short notice to fill-in for regular volunteers in anticipation of the upcoming flu season. Contact or 503-221-1224
Volunteer delivery drivers: deliver meals on wheels requests & food box deliveries during winter months when the need is up. Contact Kelly or Preston at 503-221-1224
Loaves & Fishes: help serve hot meals to our elderly neighbors at the Irving Street L&F site at First Immanuel Lutheran Church. Contact Kelly at or 503-221-1224 ext. 105
Recreation trip drivers: drive the NWPM mini-bus to and from fun, community adventures. Volunteer office receptionist/database support: Work at the NWPM office at Montgomery Park with the friendly staff. Contact Codi at 503-221-1224 ext. 103 or
Here is an email that We've Got Time to Help received yesterday. Please take a look if you've Got the Time to Help!
"I am helping my brother with a project and we need some help. He just moved here from North Carolina and he has not been able to find a job. His wife is in school and pregnant with their first child, due in February. Since my brother has had such a difficult time finding work he decided to try something he is good at-- woodworking. We are making handmade wooden lamps to sell at local holiday bazaars. We stumbled upon the Expo Christmas bazaar and they have space for us but it starts in 10 days. Since we are new to this we don't have a stockpile of lamps sitting around.
So, our project: we are looking for anyone with woodworking experience that might be willing to help with some pretty straight forward cutting, sanding and maybe drilling. I take care of the lampshades which involves a lot of sewing. If there was someone that wanted to help with that too it would be great.
Thanks if you can post this. I have been following your group for a while and would be happy to return the volunteering favor! Oh, could you also add me to your email list, I just saw that the format has changed."
These are just a few of the projects that we have going on. If you have the time, please contact the names above, or shoot us an email to let us know.
Thanks to everyone out there and keep up the good work!
Seth and Michelle
Earlier this week, we were contacted by an organization called Our Own Two Hands. They wrote us an email stating that they had seen and heard of the work we were doing in the community and wanted to help us with our causes. The email then stated that they were donating $500 to the group to use how ever we see fit.
Now, we have to admit, at first we were a little skeptical. We looked up their organization and did some Googling on their board members. Everything looked legitimate, so we emailed them back with our address.
Sure enough, in yesterday's mail, there was the check. We couldn't believe it. What an amazingly generous action from these wonderful people! There are a couple of projects that have been on hold because of the lack of funds. But this changes everything!
A great big THANK YOU to the board of Our Own Two Hands for voting to donate some much needed money. There is no way to express our gratitude to them! Here is a link to the list of the Board of Directors who made this all possible. Please check them out.
We also wanted to give a big THANK YOU to whomever submitted our name to them for review.
Please take a look at their site here Our Own Two Hands and support them in any way that you can!
Over the last couple of months, and especially since the Guidepost article came out, we have been keeping really busy. There are lots of big and small projects going on that have needed a lot of attention. We can always use more help, if you've got time.
There are so many good things going on during these dark times, but they are hard to see sometimes. It's hard to see and find the wonderful things going on when everyday is a struggle just to survive and to put food on your table.
We have met so many amazing people over the last many months and heard so many inspiring stories. It has been such a privilege to work side-by-side with everyone. To see strangers helping each other in their greatest time of need. We are lucky enough to get to see and hear these stories everyday.
What we would love to do is to share real-life stories with as many people as possible. The more hope you can see and hear, the more hope you take with you.
So please, share with us your stories of hope and caring. Tell us your story of lending someone a hand. Or, share with us a story of someone you saw giving selflessly. Let us know about the good things that you see going on around you.
The stories are there, sometimes you just have to be ready to see it.
Good luck and we can't wait to hear from you.
This story is not about Michelle and I (Seth). It is not meant to be a self-congratulatory anecdote. It is meant to illustrate how easy it is to not help someone in need. How easy it is to ignore those around us.
Last night, Michelle and I ran up to Safeway to get some items for dinner. We were both hungry and tired from the day and we were being pretty grumpy. The store was very busy and noisy, which didn't help our mood at all. After waiting in line for what seemed like 20 minutes, we finally checked out and left through the big double doors.
As we exited the building, our arms were overloaded with bags of groceries and 3 cases of soda. We hadn't grabbed a cart when we went in, so we just decided to lug the groceries out to the car. On our way out, we were approached by 2 disheveled looking women. The younger (teenager) of the two women asked us if we had a quarter. Michelle and I both said "no, sorry. We don't have any change". We then proceeded to the car.
As we approached the car, Michelle asked me if I heard what the young woman said after we walked away. I said no, I hadn't. Apparently, when we said "no" and walked away, the young girl had said "Oh no, mom. What do we do now"? We both felt a large pang of guilt. At the car, Michelle dug through her purse to get some change. We turned around in time to see 2 men, giving them some change. We looked at each other, wondering what to do next, and slowly climbed into the car. As we drove towards home, Michelle started to cry. I asked her what was wrong, and she stated that we were very callous to just say no and walk away from the women. After talking about it for another minute or so, we turned the car around and headed back to see if we could help in any way.
We pulled up to the store again and found the women at a telephone booth, trying to place a call. We slowly walked up to them and said "excuse me". They turned around, we noticed that they weren't disheveled at all. In fact, it was just an awkward teenager and her mom. They looked completely "normal". In our grumpy mood and our haste to get home, we had seen something that wasn't really there at all. We saw what we expected to see from a couple of people begging money outside a store. I believe it was Henry David Thoreau who said, "We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake..." No words have ever been more true.
As we approached, they turned to greet us. Michelle held out a handful of change to the mom. She graciously took the gift and said, very genuinely, "thank you"! We then asked her if there was anything that we could do to help them. She said "we were just evicted a couple of days ago, and we are trying to call someone who can wire us some money". Michelle and I both started crying. We told her how sorry we were for walking by. How sorry we were that we didn't stop and offer help before. We gave them our phone number and told then to call for any reason. We told her that we had some extra food they could have, a computer and phone that they could use, or just a place to rest if they needed it. We told them again how very sorry we were and how sorry we were that they were in such an awful situation.
As we drove back home, still crying, Michelle reminded me that we had an extra Rose City Resource Guide ( at home. It's a great little booklet of community and city resources for those in need. They work in conjunction with As soon as we got home, I rushed in and grabbed one of the booklets. We then went back to the store and gave them the guide. Once again, they thanked us and gave us very warm and bright smiles.
This young family will probably never call. We will probably never see them again. Hopefully, they got some money together and are on their way to a safe place. The point is not that we helped them, it's that they helped us. This young mother and daughter have changed our lives. It opened our eyes. Eyes that had begun to close without either of us noticing. As Michelle so eloquently stated "Everyone (meaning us) needs a good kick in the teeth sometimes". I couldn't agree more.
As we returned home, we cried in silence. We were thinking about how cold and callous we were during our first encounter with these lost souls. About how we were not practicing what we preach. We tell everyone we know to stop and help those in need. We tell people to stop making excuses and to just lend a hand. And yet here we were, willing to walk right by someone that had asked us for a measly quarter.
Asked for a little help.
Asked for a little hope.
Here is a link to the show we were a quick guest on concerning unemployment on American Public Media's show, Marketplace:
Just click on listen to the show button.
One of the first things that we talked about when we started this group earlier this year was attempting to change they way we all look at different situations and how we view this world. Not only would we be able to help others in need with things like home repair, but maybe also help people see this new world in a new light.
If we could all just slow our pace down a little and take time to notice our neighbors around us, we think this could be a much better place to live. We have really tried to change the way we think. Noticing the homeless person that needs some food, a neighbor that needs a hand with some yard work or even a complete stranger that just looks like they could use a kind word. Before we started this group, we never saw these things. We were too caught up in out own lives to even notice those around us. Now, after working on it, we seem to have a completely new set of eyeballs. They see things that they never saw before. We are paying attention.
There is no feeling in the world like being able to help someone that needs it. Whether it's something big or just a little gesture, it all makes you feel connected.
It's so easy to pass by someone and not even give them a second glance. Next time you see someone who looks like they could use a hand, please stop and take just a minute or two to offer your help. It's a very scary thing to do for a lot of people (including Michelle and I). To step out of your "comfort zone" and go up to a complete stranger and offer help. Sometimes we still have to physically stop walking, turn around and go back to the person.
Here's a few actual excuses that we (Michelle and Seth) have used in the past:
"Oh, we're really busy" or "we need to get to the next place we're going"
"They probably don't need help"
"They look too upset to talk to right now"
"I'm sure someone is coming to help them"
"They have probably already called someone"
"We shouldn't get involved"
"It looks too personal"
"I can't help them" or "I wouldn't know how to help"
"I don't want to embarrass them" or "I don't want to be embarrassed"
There are many, many other excuses that we have used in the past not to help someone. Usually, it all stems from fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of doing or saying something wrong. The only fear that we should really have is the fear of walking away from someone that needs help.
We have had 2 requests this week for electricians for 2 separate projects. Unlike normal, these are paying jobs and we would love to be able to help some folks out and put a couple of people to work.
If yo have the time and knowledge, we would love to hear from you! Please just email us at to let us know that you can lend a hand.
Also, we just received a request from someone that needs help putting up a small fence (roughly 15ft) between their home and their neighbor. They have offered a small payment to anyone that can help out. Got time?
Thanks for all you do,
Seth and Michelle
A few months ago Guideposts Magazine contacted We've Got Time to Help as they wanted to do an article. Seth was interviewed and the article is in the October issue. The interview is now posted on their website. We are unable to get the link to work from our page so please check it out here
Just a quick note to let everyone know what has been going on in our lives outside of our normal routines such as they may be!! My mother has been sick quite a bit lately and was finally diagnosed with Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia. We have been spending quite a bit of time at the hospital and trying to keep all of her friends and family up to date on her condition and treatment. She is just finishing up her first round of chemo today and has handled it really well. She doesn't like the hospital food so we, by which I mean Seth and my wonderful aunt Kay Wheeler have been taking turns cooking meals for her and will continue to do so as long as the hospital will let her have them and she still has an appetite. She is expecting to be in the hospital for another 2-4 weeks then returning later for another round of chemo. An unexpected consequence of this situation is that I set up another blog that Seth has to maintain when I am unavailable. Sorry sweetie. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
If you would like to personally send her your prayers you can visit her CarePages Blog at
I would also like to apologize as I will not be able to involved as much with WGTTH as I would like to be at this time.
Because of the President's address to the country on Tuesday, the OPB radio show (talked about below) will be on this Monday the 21st at 9am. Please listen in if you have the time.
Take care and keep paying it forward!
After posting a few days ago about what has been going on with Michelle and I over the last few months, and my (Seth) struggles with alcoholism and depression, we have received such wonderful support and amazingly kind words from friends and strangers alike. Thank you to everyone who wrote us and we are still going strong.
The reason for this post is that we were contacted by Sarah Rothenflutch, from OPB's "Think Out Loud" ( radio program. She wanted to see how WGTTH was going and to see if we wanted to be on the program again, this time talking a lot more about long-term unemployment and the toll that it takes on people and households.
We agreed to be on and it will air at 9am this coming Tuesday. You can listen online or at 91.5 FM. We are encouraging everyone to listen. Not because we will be on the show, but because there are so many of us in the same boat and there is strength in numbers.
If you know someone who is un/under employed and they are battling with depression or substance abuse, or if they just aren't sure how to deal with their struggles, please have them listen so maybe they will understand that they are not alone. We are all in this together and we will be here to support anyone who is going through rough times.
Thank you again to everyone and we hope to see out out and about in the neighborhood.
As always, please feel free to write us with any questions or comments.
Take care,
Seth and Michelle
Welcome to everyone stopping by. We hope that you are here because you have a willingness and a need to try and make our communities better places to live.
I (Seth) have to apologize for not keeping this movement rolling forward. We were going so strong for so long and then, for myriad reasons, I settled into a pretty nasty bout of depression and, honestly, my alcoholism took over.
I have struggled with alcoholism for many, many years now. My propensity for drinking, coupled with the fact that I have been unable to find a job for 9 months, sent me spiraling downward. I lost the ability to act on anything. It was a major struggle just to get out of bed in the morning.
I, with a world of help from Michelle (thank you, sweetheart), am starting to turn things around now. Between medication and counseling, I am feeling great and getting stronger everyday. I am ready to restart this movement and get things rolling again.
Again, I apologize if I let anyone down. I hope that I can start to make a difference again.
Over the next few days, we will be updating our project list and will also be sending out emails to our volunteers (read: neighbors) so that we can get moving on some projects. Please let us know if you can help or if you know of any projects that we could get involved with.
I struggled with whether or not to talk about my problems on here. I thought about it for some time. I finally decided to, partially, in hopes that it may help someone else if they are going down a similar road. None of us are immune to having problems and it's good to remind yourself of that every now and then. We are all human and very prone to not always making the right decisions.
Please feel free to write us at with any questions you have or to sign up for our email updates. We will be sending out some emails in the next few days describing some new projects and updates on others.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to help their neighbors and have done all they can to help their communities.
Take care and we hope to see you all soon!
Seth and Michelle
Seth woke up with a fever and not feeling well so we are cancelling the meet and greet scheduled for today. When Seth is feeling better we will reschedule.
Thanks to everyone for all you do to make this world better one neighbor at a time.
It has been record setting temperatures in the Portland area this week. We are looking at today possibly being the 4th day in a row with over 100 degrees. It was 111 on our back porch yesterday afternoon. This is so unusual for this area and people are unprepared for this type of weather. It has been over 90 for going on two weeks. Quite a few of the local cities and counties has opened up cooling centers for everyone. One local news station has provided a list here.
Seth and I have been handing out water to everyone we see on the street. There have been people waiting for the bus, people who wave signs advertising a business, homeless people with no place to go to cool off, the list goes on with the common theme of these people can't get out of the heat. Everyone needs water. We have been using empty milk gallons, 1 and 2 ltr pop bottles, and purchased a few cases of bottled water. We froze some and just refrigerated others. I keep a cooler in my car for anyone I see on my way to/from work. Seth has been walking around the neighborhood a few times a day. Anything helps.
Please, if you can, help anyone you see. Water is relatively inexpensive.
If you have to be out & about yourself could you take an extra water bottle or two? Help an elderly neighbor unload groceries to get out of the sun quicker? Maybe you see someone who has a hanging flower basket that needs a bit of water. When the temps are 77 at 6:30 am and still over 95 degrees at 10pm it is hard to get out and tend to the yard. The animals are suffering too. We have had both squirrels and birds just sitting in the yard panting. Maybe you have a pie pan to fill with water and put in the shade. Any thought you have could help.
We all pulled together for that extreme snow storm in December. Remember that? What I wouldn't give to go back to that!!! We can do it with the hot weather as well. If you have any other great ideas or things you are doing please post a comment to let everyone know.
Take care and try to stay cool.
Seth and Michelle
Hello to all! We hope that everyone is doing great and staying nice and cool! It is sweltering here in Portland. Possibly above 100 degrees over the next 4 days. Gross!! We feel like we have moved from NE PDX to the surface of the Sun!
Onto happier things, though.
First of all, we are having our monthly meet and greet at our home on August 5th, from 11am-2pm. We would love for everyone to attend. We know that some of you have jobs and other commitments, but we would love a home full of our neighbors!
Changing gears a bit, Michelle and I went to the store yesterday (Michelle's idea) and purchased 2 cases of bottled water ($6 for both) and a couple of bags of ice. Then, we put a cooler full of the water and ice in the car so that when we see someone walking down the street that could use some help cooling off, we can give them a nice, cold water. We have a lot of homeless and near-homeless people in the city and we're sure they could use some water during these HOT days. Or, if you just see someone that looks overheated, you can hand them something to help cool them down. It's a great gesture and, believe us, makes you feel really good! We have also printed off (from our home computer) a list of cooling centers around the city to hand out to people that could use them.
Next item, we have been really busy lately with a ton of small projects. Lots of little things and quick-fixes. That being said, we have quite a few bigger projects on the table and we could sure use some help. Please email us at if you have some time to help out a neighbor or two.
Can anyone come up with some other ideas for helping out our fellow neighbors? Ways to help cool them off? Let us know and we can put it into action! For instance, we had an extra air conditioner, and we offered it to our next door neighbors since they didn't have one. Every little bit helps. Let us know what you have been doing to help others in need!
And another big THANK YOU to everyone that has gone out on projects this month! It has been hot, muggy and demanding, but you have stepped up and said "I will help my neighbors, no matter what"! You are all amazing people and wonderful neighbors!!
We hope to see a lot of you at the meet and greet and we wish everyone the best during these hot and trying times. Please remember, every little thing you can do for someone else, makes you feel immensely better about yourself! If we could all be there to help each other, then this would be a pretty cool, little rock that we live on.
Take care and see you soon,
Seth and Michelle
Today, a group of us are going down to volunteer at the front gate at the Blues Festival on the waterfront. Any and everyone is more than welcome to come down and say hi and listen to some great music. We have enough volunteers but we would love see anyone who wants to come down.
We will be there from 3:30-6:30pm tonight and we are really looking forward to it!
On a side note, we apologize profusely for not posting very much as of late. We have been busier than we ever thought possible and we never seem to have enough time to post on the blog.
So, here are a few updates.
We still would love to have some people take over as "project managers" for a project or two. If you would be willing to just be the contact person/scheduler for any project you like, just email us and we will give you all the info you need. Thanks in advance!
This last weekend, we were at Multnomah Falls for their annual Gorge Falls fest event. A big thank you to Aaron Pedersen, the on site manager for the Forest Service at the falls, for helping us get in the event and for getting us some much needed coffee! Thanks Aaron!! It was a great turn out and we talked with hundreds of people during the 2 day event. Also, a big thank you to Mel, who volunteered his Saturday afternoon at the booth. Hopefully, we reached some people and they will go back to their home state and start paying it forward a little!
We still have plenty of projects available for those who want to help. We will be sending a more complete update to everyone in the next day or two and get this blog caught up to where it should be.
Thank you again to everyone who has been out there "neighboring" and keep up the awesome work!!
Seth and Michelle
Does anyone have Time to Help finish a bedroom? We were contacted by a woman who needs help finishing a bedroom. She is pregnant with a due date in two weeks. She and her 1 year old daughter have been sleeping on the couch as bedroom needs work. She has all the supplies but doesn't have the knowledge or ability to finish this room. We will be putting up insulation, sheetrocking, mudding and taping, as well as painting. We will be heading out Thursday morning, June 18th to get started on this project and hopefully have this project completed quickly!!
If you have Time to Help this neighbor please email us at or call 503-953-6018!
We feel that it's probably time to reiterate why we started this community organization and to try and spread our message of hope and community once again.
We started this group, originally, to give every unemployed person a chance to get out into their communities and help their neighbors to try and gain some of the self-respect and self-worth that has been taken from them since losing their job. We know from first hand experience how devastating losing your job can be.
These rough economic times are not just hard on the people that lose their job. It's also hard on the community. Imagine, you lose your job and now there is little or no money coming into the household. Now imagine, your roof starts leaking or your sink backs up. Now, not only do you have a potential emergency on your hands, but you have no money to hire someone to fix it. That's why our mission was to offer anyone help, of any kind. From fixing a broken fence to putting on a new roof. From replacing an outlet to helping with yard work. Whatever the task, we wanted to assist anyone who asked for help.
Everyone, every single person out there, needs some help sometimes. Sometimes you need a lot of help, but, sometimes you just need a hand pulling yourself up. We want to be a group that people can turn to when the feel out of hope or when they feel that there is no one out there that is willing or able to help them.
We want to change the way people think about giving their time to help someone else. We don't want people to see it as "volunteering". Instead, we wish people would try to see it as "Neighboring". When you help a friend or a neighbor out, you don't say "I'm going next door to volunteer by mowing Joe's yard". What you say is "I'm going next door to help Joe out with his yard". You don't "volunteer" your time to help family, friends or neighbors. "Volunteering" your time takes the human element completely out of what you are doing. You are a human being lending a hand out to another human being that needs some help. It's that simple.
It may sound kind of corny, but when you go out and give someone a little bit of your time, you are helping yourself far more than you are helping them. Both of us can tell you from personal experience that after getting back from a project, even if we are tired and sore, that our self-worth is through the roof. We get home, look at each other, and say "we just helped someone through a rough spot in their lives. How cool is that"? There are no words to describe how good we feel inside.
The reported unemployment rate in Oregon is reported at 12.1 percent. But keep in mind, this figure does not include people whose unemployment has run out, who aren't eligible, who never applied, or their application for benefits is delayed. We think that the actual rate is somewhere around the 20 percent mark. 1 out of every 5 people is unemployed. Incredible.
Oregon's population is about 3,800,000 people. Imagine if even half of the unemployed people in this state offered to volunteer 1 hour, once a week. That would be 1,900,000 hours of neighbors helping neighbors every, single week. Can you imagine the good that could be done with that? What tasks could be accomplished? There are only 8,760 hours in a year. That's over 216 years worth of community work that could get done in a week's time. It almost doesn't even compute.
Please come with us on this journey. This journey to change how people see their communities and how they view one another. This is an incredible time to be alive. We have so much power to change not only the lives of others, but our own, as well. There are so many people in need right now and there are so many people that could help them. All you have to do is reach out once. We promise that after helping someone, you will start to notice that you feel better and that you are starting to see that we are all just neighbors. All across your community, your city or town, your state, your country, and your world. We are all just neighbors.
Take care and we hope to hear from a lot of you,
Seth and Michelle
We sent out an update to all of the good neighbors that have asked to be on volunteer list last week. We have had a few people tell us they don't get any emails from We've Got Time to Help. WGTTH sends out email updates every week or so. In the last update email we asked people to respond if they were receiving our emails. We received about 15 responses. We have a lot more than 15 on our good neighbor email list. A lot more. So we are wondering if people who have requested to get updates are not getting them.
For example, Michelle does not get all the update emails at her work. She gets the emails going to the group but does not get any direct emails from WGTTH or any replies to all. She has questioned the IS guys at her company but they have no idea why she will get a few but not all. Michelle is not the only one. That concerns us as you have specifically requested to get our emails but we are not sure you are receiving them.
If you have requested to receive emails from us but did not receive one dated May 31st please email or call us at 503-953-6018 immediately!!
This Thursday (the 28th) and Friday (the 29th) there are two bigger project going on that we need a lot of help with. First, Thursday is the Extreme Yard Makeover in SE Portland. We will be out there starting at 10am and going until the late afternoon. We have all the materials we need at the site, but we need people, people, people!
The project after that is the next day, Friday, and we will be help a woman in need move from Vancouver to NE Portland. She is renting a large U-Haul, but she definitely could use some help with loading and unloading the truck. It would be great to get 5 or 6 people for the move. The more people we get, the quicker it will go.
Please feel free to call us at 503-953-6018 or email us at to sign up for one (or both) of these projects! Thank you!!
Well, the 4th (and final?) installment of the Extreme Yard Makeover is happening this Thursday the 14th. Here is just one of the before and after photos from the work done so far.
Front yard before...
...and after.
Pretty dramatic change, huh? That being said, there is still some work to be done. Here's a list of what needs to happen before we can complete this project:
Concrete pieces laid down for a pathway (we have the concrete pieces)
Small concrete wall erected for the herb garden (we have the concrete pieces)
Arbor built for the backyard (we have the lumber for it)
White picket fence scraped and painted (we have the paint and brushes)
White picket fence reinforced
White picket fence gate re-hung
Gravel laid down in between the concrete pieces for the walkway (we still need the gravel)
Like we said, there still some work to do but we should be able to get a lot of it finished on Thursday. There are no special skills needed for this project, just a willingness to get your hands a little dirty!
So please, if you have some time to give on Thursday to help out a neighbor, come on down and lend a hand. Email us at for the address if you can make it!
There are a lot of events and projects coming up this month, so please take a few minutes to look at everything that is going on. We will get right to it!
1) The Portland Upside debuts this Friday, May 8th. The creators of the newspaper, Rob and Sara, are looking for some help distributing the 10,000 printed copies all around town. If you can take a few copies to your local neighborhood hangout, or you are willing to drive around town and drop off a lot of copies to different places, that would be great. Just email Michelle and I or contact the Portland Upside directly at
2) There is an East Portland Neighborhood Association Annual Clean-up event this Saturday, May 9th, going from 9am-1pm. The event is happening in the Albertson's parking lot on NE 122nd and Halsey. They need some volunteers to help with the event and it's also a great way to get rid of anything just lying around your house. They are accepting: Yard Debris; Wood; Metal; Bicycles. It is $10 per car load and $20 per truck load. Proceeds will be put right back into the local neighborhoods. Let us know if you can make it!
3) Another May 9th project is being put together by F.I.D.O. (Friends Involved in Dog Outreach). They are a wonderful organization who help not only Clackamas County residents, but anyone in the Portland Metro area. They are looking for volunteers to join them at the new shelter for a "Landscape Beautification Party"! Rain or shine, from 10 am until ??
Diana Hallmark is offering sneak preview tours of the new facility as well as hot dogs, hamburgers (and veggie burgers), soda and water. They will be planting and digging and generally playing in the mud, so bring gloves, shovels and other tools as appropriate (knee pads?). Please dress for the weather and plan to have a fun day working and getting to know more about FIDO & meeting other volunteers.
They have several other projects they would like to complete, if they can get enough volunteers.
Also, if you have a wheel barrow that you can bring, that would be great. They hope to be moving gravel and creating a pathway or two. Just let us know if you can make it. It really is a terrific cause!
4) Also on Saturday, May 9th there is a benefit auction for Rose Haven, a women's and children's shelter. They need 2-3 volunteers to help with the event on Saturday night, between 4pm - 10:00pm. There will be food for the volunteers as well as raffle prizes, and everyone will get to enjoy the entertainment as well. Please contact Ellen at 503 784-6192 if you can help!
5) One of our volunteers is the lead singer in a band called The Augmentors. She and her band are having their first Portland show on Sunday, May 10th starting at 9pm. The venue is the Mississippi Pizza Pub at 3552 N. Mississippi. We would love to get a big group of us down there to see her show and to support her. It should be a lot of fun! Think you can make it?
6) On Wednesday, May 20th, we will be hosting our next Meet and Greet here at our home. We would love for everyone to be able to attend. The meet and greet will be from 11am-3pm. Just let us know if you can make it! Let's make this the best meet and greet yet!
7) We have had a few professionals donate some services to our volunteers. First is Ario with Unbound Bodywork and Massage. He has offered to give 2 or 3 free massages, per week, to We've Got Time to Help volunteers that go out on any projects! How cool is that? You can contact him directly and let him know that you would like to set up an appointment. His contact info is: Phone: 503 841 2556 and email:
Also, Peter Chee of Peter Chee Photography, has offered to take photos/head shots of any of our volunteers who need them for job hunting or attaching to resumes (again, for free). You can email Peter at to set up a time to have your photo(s) taken. Anything to help in these slow economic times!
We also have a licenced counselor who is willing to speak with people that need someone to talk to. Please email Jennifer at and let her know what you need. What a tremendous and generous offer from Jennifer.
8) We have added a few new projects and we could sure use quite a few volunteers for a whole host of Projects coming up. You can take a look at the Project Page to see if there is something that you can help with. There is everything from gardening to construction to driving. Please see if you have a few extra hours in your week to help out some of these wonderful people!
We've had a few Projects sitting on the table for a while and Michelle and I have been trying to get to them all, but we need some help. Just email us at to let us know what you can help with.
And last, but certainly not anywhere near least, we are going to start a Monthly Volunteer Day where will be going to one of our volunteers homes and giving them a hand with anything they need help with. We have our first nominee for May (we are keeping it a secret, though) and we will be sending out information as the day draws closer. So neighbors, start thinking about what you would like or need to get done around your home and let us know. This will be a small way to give back to all of you that have donated your time, energy and ideas to those in need!
Thank you to all!
Contact us for any reason at
We received a call from a woman who had been following our blog for a while. Deb and her husband, Jeff, were in the process of moving and had some extra things they no longer needed. Instead of donating them to a local charity where they could receive a tax write off they offered them to us to help with projects. They believed in what we are doing and wanted to help us continue the good work. Jeff even dropped the items off at our house. They donated painting supplies, yard tools and other miscellaneous construction items that will definitely make continuing to do what we do easier in the future.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to Deb and Jeff!! We were overwhelmed with your generosity and it just shows us time and time again, how many good people there are in the world.
Thank you so much and we wish you the best on your next stage in life.
1 Million Kind Acts - Let's change the world!
There are all sorts of kind acts that we can do for each other. Our newest project is to complete 1,000,000 kind acts throughout the remainder of the year. Please email your stories (and photos, if you have them) of nice things being done for those who need it. We can all make this world a better place if we just give a little of ourselves. Each and every one of us has the opportunity to make someone’s life better. Let’s take that opportunity and make the most of it.
For instance, you can:
1. Help a neighbor carry in their groceries from the car
2. Lend a neighbor a hand with a project (such as fencing or roofing)
3. Smile at a stranger
4. Stop to see if someone needs help if they are broken down by the side of the road
5. Bring you neighbor (whom you know or don’t know) a pie or cake
6. Mow your neighbor’s lawn
7. Help your neighbor push their car out of the snow
8. Let someone stay with you while they get their finances in order
9. Help someone with their homework
10. Compliment someone on their dress or suit
11. Make, and hand out, some sandwiches (peanut butter or baloney) to homeless people in your area
12. Offer your professional services for free to someone who needs it
13. Pay for the groceries for the person in front of you
14. Pay for the coffee for the person in line behind you
15. Free your neighborhood of garbage by doing a (group?) trash pick up
16. Combine you and your neighbor’s resources and do something for another neighbor in need
17. Greet every new neighbor that moves onto your block with a smile and a handshake
18. Volunteer your time to help anyone in need
19. Understand that we are all human and we all make mistakes
20. Let a car cut in front of you without getting upset
These are just 20 of the examples we thought of. Please email us at and tell us your stories. We will post every story on our website so that we can give new ideas to people and, maybe, just maybe, make this world a better place. We would love 1 million stories by the end of the year. Do you think it can be done? Please let us know what you are doing or have done, for your neighbors, friends and family. Take care.
Good morning to all!
This is going to be a really busy week and we could sure use some help. We have quite a few projects going on and we would love to get them all completed! We still need some neighbors to sign up for these projects and can't do all of this alone.
The first project we have going on is Project #24 that involves sheet rocking, mudding and taping and painting a small bedroom and bathroom This project is scheduled to happen on Wednesday the 29th. The next is Project #27 that is basically patching a few small holes and painting an office and hallway for a battered women's and children's shelter We are scheduled to be there on Thursday the 30th. The next on the list is to finish is Project #19. We still need to rototill, build a garden, lay a brick pathway, haul some debris away and to build an arbor. We are looking at going out all day Friday the 1st of May. Also on tap for this week is just the moving of some large potted plants, from inner SE to N Portland. Anyone with a truck or small pickup could get this one done.
If you can lend a hand with any of these projects, please email us at and let us know which project(s) you are going to help with. Thank you!
We also have a lot of other projects coming up and we need more help! If anyone has some time to give to your neighbors in need, we would really love to hear from you. Thank you all for everything that you have been doing for our communities and keep up the great work!!
It's ironic, I suppose, that Michelle and I (Seth) have been avoiding, at all costs, asking directly for help for us. We tell people to call or write us if they need help. We extoll the virtues of asking for help and counting on us and all of our neighbors to help meet your needs. We firmly believe that everyone should feel comfortable in asking for help from neighbors, both known and unknown. And yet, we put it off asking for help for a million reasons. Fear. Doubt. Frustration. I guess it's time that we practice what we preach. We have a link of the sidebar that says that if you would like to donate items, please contact us, but we haven't ever created a post about it.
Please understand and believe us when we say any donations we get will go directly to We've Got Time to Help projects and we are not asking for personal gain. That is not who we are or what we are about.
So, here's the deal. We need lots of tools, equipment and other various items, so that we can continue to help everyone that asks. We were hoping not to do this but the times we are living in make it necessary. Michelle and I (Seth) are asking for donations of any kind and we have put up a "wish list" for our community organization.
Everyday, we are getting more and more requests for help, and we find ourselves in need of items that Michelle and I can no longer afford to purchase or rent on our own.
Some of the items on our wish list are big items. We understand. But, it can't hurt to ask. Maybe someone doesn't have a need for it anymore and wants for the item to go to good use. We have been able to do so much good already, and we will continue to do so even if we don't get a single donation. We will always do whatever we can to help others in need.
Also, please know that we have done (and will continue to do) everything we can to raise money. Odd jobs, sold personal items on craigslist, selling homemade bird food, and we use any extra income (from Michelle's job) for We've Got Time to Help. We are trying our very best.
Here is our wish list:
Painting supplies - Paint Brushes, Rollers, scrapers, tape, etc.
Yard/Garden tools - Gloves, shovels, rakes, hoes, trowels, pruners/loppers, etc.
Drywall tools - Mesh tape dispensers, joint knives, taping knives, trowels, etc.
Plumbing tools -Wrenches, auger/snake, pipe cutter, etc.
General/Power tools- drills, hand saws, hammers, sockets and wrenches, clamps, tool box, etc.
UPDATE 5/26: We had a wonderful woman donate some garden tools and a 16' aluminum ladder! Tall (16 or more foot) ladders
Supplies/materials that we could use:
Lumber - 1x4, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, etc. - We could also use fencing material and hardware
Roofing - we have a couple of smaller roofing jobs, but we cannot afford to purchase the materials
Ready-mix concrete and mortar
Hardware - All types of screws, nails, nuts and bolts, etc.
Joint compounds (mud) and tape, caulking, etc.
Here come the really big items:
Pickup Truck - When we started this, we didn't know that we would have a need for one so quickly. We thought that we could wait for a year or two, but we underestimated how many people were hurting out there.
(UPDATE) 5/26: We now have the rights for and .org. We will be working on it for a few weeks and hopefully have it up and running sometime in June.
Website - A website would be so much more user friendly than the blog. We could put so much more information on it and be able to help that many more people.
Laptop - When we are out on projects, we are not near our home computer and there have been too many times that we have missed an emergency email or we need to find information for a project or we need to post a quick call for help.
Major tools - Lawn mowers, weed eaters, chainsaw, edgers, trimmers, air compressor, nail guns, power saws, etc.
If we could get some of these items, we would be in such better shape. We don't want anyone to feel obligated to donate items. We just thought that maybe there were some unused items out there that could be put to some great use. Basically, we need just about anything you can think of as our project list is extremely varied (and continues to grow).
Thank you so much to those who have already donated items and money. You are truly wonderful and giving. Normally, we would go without rather than to ask for such grand items. But in this case, if we can get the items we need, we could literally help hundreds and (and eventually) thousands more. If you can donate, please contact us at and let us know!
Thank you again to everyone who has donated time, energy and goods to help those in need.